UL Prospector

Your Perfect Décolleté and Neck Cream (Formulation #B-0104[LA])

This body cream has a rich dessert-like texture and is enriched with ACTIPHYTE™ Papaya extract. The combination of CARBOPOL® ULTREZ 10 polymer and PEMULEN™ EZ-4U polymeric emulsifier offers viscosity and emulsion stability with a light and watery initial sensory. SCHERCEMOL™ DIS and SCHERCEMOL™ CATC esters bring substantial emolliency and a perception of moisturization without tacky afterfeel. The ACTIFCOL™ advanced botanical ingredient provides a firming effect.


Lubrizol develops, manufactures and markets a broad range of specialty ingredients for skin care, hair care, bath &shower, surface, dish and fabric care. Their innovative technologies modify physical properties, enhance functional performance and ease of use and deliver aesthetic benefits to support key consumer product claims. They are dedicated to providing their customers with powerful, proven solutions so you can formulate with confidence™.

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